Teeth Straightening Adelaide: Dental Implants and Teeth Straightening Adelaide

teeth straightening AdelaideThe appeal of a straight smile goes beyond cosmetics. Crowded and crooked teeth are hard to clean, which can lead to dental complications like gum disease.


Teeth straightening Adelaide options include traditional metal braces and modern alternatives like clear aligners. While DIY kits may claim to offer a cheaper alternative to seeing an orthodontist, they do not come without their drawbacks. For professional teeth straightening Adelaide services, check this out.



Orthodontic treatment with braces is undeniably the most common way to straighten teeth. It can correct problems with crowded or protruding teeth, close gaps between teeth, and improve how your upper and lower teeth completely meet when you smile or bite.


Traditional dental braces include brackets, arch wires, and fixed or removable corrective appliances. The brackets are bonded to the front of each tooth and then attached to an archwire that gently pulls the teeth to change their position.


This process takes time, but it is often less painful than expected. Your orthodontist may need to remove one or more teeth before treatment if they are severely damaged, decayed, or impacted. In addition to fixing crooked teeth, braces can help correct a “bad bite” (malocclusion). When your upper and lower teeth meet improperly, it can cause discomfort when chewing, speech difficulties, jaw pain or dysfunction and increased risk of dental issues.


Clear Aligners

Clear aligners offer a more discreet alternative compared to traditional metal braces. They are made from a smooth plastic that is less likely to irritate the inside of your cheeks and can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing and flossing.


Once your dental professional has created a digital model of your teeth, they can design a series of clear aligners that will gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. You will wear each set of trays for around 22 hours daily and change them every two weeks. Each shift will take your teeth closer to their final position until you have the smile of your dreams.



A great alternative to braces, Invisalign® is an invisible orthodontic system that straightens your teeth using transparent plastic aligners. They’re almost impossible to see when worn. They can provide the same results as traditional braces without the drawbacks – especially for late adolescent and adult patients who may be self-conscious about the complete appearance of metal braces on their teeth.


One of the best things about Invisalign is that there are no food restrictions, like other orthodontic systems. However, it’s important to remember that coloured foods and drinks must be removed before wearing the aligners, as they can stain them.


Aside from that, Invisalign is a comfortable and convenient teeth-straightening option. In addition, it can help improve dental health by eliminating crowding and gaps between the teeth. It will make it effortless to clean your teeth, effectively reducing your risk of gum disease and tooth decay. It will also significantly boost your confidence, allowing you to smile more readily and pridefully. For professional teeth straightening Adelaide services, check this out.


Dental Implants

A complete evaluation will include dental X-rays, 3D images and models of your mouth and jaw. It will allow a specialist doctor specialising in mouth and jaw conditions (oral and maxillofacial surgeon) and a dentist who designs and fits artificial teeth (prosthodontist) to formulate a treatment plan for you.


Dental implants are a modern and wholesome solution for replacing missing teeth. While conventional bridges or dentures replace the tooth crown only, dental implants are a more complete treatment that also includes the replacement of the tooth root. They look and feel like natural teeth and can improve the overall health of your jaw, gums, and surrounding teeth as well. Whether you are missing a single tooth or need strong support for your existing dentures, Dental Implants Adelaide is the right choice for you.